Faith news — Oct. 4, 2023

Animals blessings set for Oct. 8 at Trinity United

Residents are welcome to bring pet(s) to Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave., Sequim, for them to receive a blessing at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 8, in the outdoor area in front of the church.

Those whose pets have died may bring a picture of them, or name them, and event organizers will offer a prayer of remembrance. Attendees are also are encouraged to invite their friends to bring pet(s). Bring pet(s) on a leash or in a carrier, or bring a photo. Each pet will receive a St. Francis Blessing Medallion.

“This will be a wonderful time of celebration and remembering,” organizers said.

In October, churches around the world celebrate something that St. Francis of Assisi started almost 800 years ago: blessing animals. Francis introduced the idea that human beings are only one of a myriad of creations of God and that all are blessed in God’s “eyes,” event organizers said.

The feast day of St. Francis (the day that he died) is celebrated every year on Oct. 4, and blessing of the animal services are usually scheduled for a Sunday close to that day.