Lunch in the Garden series continues


Home gardeners can get timely advice from local experts about vegetable gardening in the next installment of Lunch in the Garden, slated for noon-1 p.m. on Friday, July 12, at the Fifth Street Community Garden, 325 Fifth St., Port Angeles

The educational series is sponsored by the WSU Clallam County Master Gardeners on the second Friday of each month through September. 

Each month, local Master Gardeners lead a one-hour walk through the community garden to show home gardeners what to do in vegetable gardens at that time of the season and what problems are likely to appear. During the walks, Master Gardeners answer questions and share recipes that use fresh, local produce. 

This month, Master Gardeners Laurel Moulton and Jeanette Stehr-Green talk about proper watering, renovation of June-bearing strawberry beds, edible flowers, fall/winter gardens and more. Barbara Heckard talks about growing and using rosemary.

Clallam County’s uniquely mild, maritime climate is ideal for growing vegetables year-round, but local gardeners need to begin planting fall and winter crops now. Moulton and Stehr-Green discuss what vegetables to plant this month and tips for a successful fall/winter garden.

Moulton has been a Master Gardener since 2006 and is the Master Gardener Program coordinator. Stehr-Green has been a Master Gardener since 2003 and was the 2012 Clallam County Veteran Master Gardener of the Year. Both have been growing vegetable gardens for many years. Heckard joined Master Gardeners in 2013 and is an herb enthusiast.

Lunch in the Garden walks are free and open to the public. 

The Fifth Street Community Garden is just off Peabody Street, across from City Hall. The garden includes more than 50 individual plots that are each 9 feet by 12 feet. The garden was developed on city property in 2011 with a vision to connect people to the earth and their community through growing food.

For more information about the Lunch in the Garden series, call 565-2679.