Milestone: Red Carpet gets DAR honor for flying USA flag

Nathan Denison, manager at Red Carpet Car Wash, accepted an honor on May 16 from Anita Reynolds, the Michael Trebert Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution’s Vice Regent, for his company’s correct usage of the U.S. flag.

The business, at 231 Valley Center Place, was selected to receive the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Flag of the United States certificate for correct usage of the U.S flag, for “proper use, correct display, and patriotic presentation of the Flag of the United States of America.”

Denison is a Marine Corps veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In addition to flying the American flag, Red Carpet Car Wash offers military discounts to show their appreciation for service members.

Promoting patriotism in the community is one of the three missions of Daughters of the American Revolution, chapter representatives noted.