Sequim Gazette staff
Hair piece
Our old Gazette friend Julie Koonz (center), and our new friend Sara Maney, this week donated their hair to Locks of Love, a terrific organization that provides hairpieces to kids who have lost their hair due to a medical condition. This is the third time for Julie, the first for Sara. They were helped out by Great Clips staffers Nikita Zimmerman, left, and Michelle Riddle. Sara said they chose Great Clips because “they’re the only salon in town that provides a free cut with your donation.”
For more on the program, see
Pomp and circumstance
Sequim’s Justin Woods is a recent graduate from Union College in Lincoln, Neb. Woods earned his Bachelor of Science degree in International Rescue and Relief during the college’s commencement ceremonies Sunday, May 8. Union, a school of 900 students, had 194 members in the 2011 graduating class. (Do you know a recent graduate? Please send us your information and a photo.)
Musical talent
Three Sequim music students are the proud recipients of scholarships from Monday Musicale, a civic organization that works to promote excellence in peninsula music. All three are high school seniors: Stephanie Dunbar, first place, received $3,000. Dalton Ackley received $2,000 for second place, and James Willis received $1,500 for a third place finish.
Diane McIntosh, scholarship chairman for the Musicale, said the students go through a rigorous vetting process. First they apply through their school’s music teacher, then they are required to audition for a panel of judges who make the final decision. Students can sing or play an instrument. The scholarships are sent directly to the college of their choice.
The students were honored during a Monday, May 16, program at Queen of Angels Catholic Fellowship Hall in Port Angeles.
This year Monday Musicale has given $8,000 in scholarships.
Fish story
Sequim’s David Thomas provided his grandchildren, Lina and Tristan Lowman, with a few fishing tips during the 9th annual Kids Fishing Day on Saturday, May 15. Grandmother Joyce was also available to lend a hand.
Despite the poor weather, hundreds of kids showed up for the event, which was sponsored by the North Olympic Peninsula Chapter of the Puget Sound Anglers. Both Tristan and Lina went home happy: Tristan snagged a 1 lb., 3 oz. trout, and Lina brought home a 15 oz. catch.
Edward and Julia Stratford are the proud new mom and dad of Terra Jean Stratford, a beautiful little girl born May 11, 2011. Terra weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces.
Allora Kathleen Inman was welcomed to the world by dad, James Patrick Inman, and mom, Robyn Kathleen Inman on April 29. The bouncing baby girl weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces.
Corrie and Daniel Berneking of Sequim are the proud parents of an 8-pound, 4-ounce boy. Caleb Philip was born on May 1 at 2:14 a.m. The paternal grandparents are Rex and Penny Berneking of Sequim.
Prayer Request
Dick and Diane Holdren are asking others to pray for the “Darkhorse” 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines and their families. In her message, Diane noted the Darkhorse battalion, which is fighting in Afghanistan, recently lost nine Marines in four days.
“May God richly bless their families in their sorrow, suffering and sacrifice,” Diane said. “No words can take the pain away.”
Take this cup
Estephania Calderon was one of 15 children who recently participated in First Communion services at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Sequim. The children celebrated their big day with a special Mass, Sunday, May 8.
Celebrate a life
Everyone is invited to the Celebration of Life for Phil Rogers, who passed away in March of this year.
Phil was the loving husband of Lynne Rogers; he spent much of his life in Texas as a cattle farmer. He and Lynne moved to Sequim seven years ago and were very active in the Newcomers Club.
Phil enjoyed his garden and also became treasurer of the Sequim Senior Activity Center where he initiated the center’s first computerized accounting system.
His friend Joy Miller said Phil particularly valued Michael Smith, the center’s executive director, and other people with whom he worked at the center.
In recent years Phil started having numerous medical problems and in 2009 the couple decided to move to Casa Grande, AZ, for a warmer, drier climate. In Arizona he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and initially was told to expect only a few weeks to live. Miller said after finding an excellent cancer specialist and beginning a strict treatment plan, Phil lived another year-and-a-half.
“During that time he had many healthy times, and was able to enjoy visits from family and friends,” Miller said. The cancer went into remission on two occasions but in March he began having significant pain and died within a week.
Those attending are asked to bring flowers from their gardens. Donations in Phil’s memory may be made to the Sequim Senior Activity Center at 911 Hammond Street in Sequim, or to Seattle Children’s Hospital with a notation that the donation is in memory of Phil Rogers with credit given to the Sequim Guild No. 334300.
The Celebration of Life will be held at 2 p.m., Thursday, June 2, at Olympic Theatre Arts.
Do you have an item for Milestones? We want to hear about anniversaries, births, awards, graduations, church events and any other milestone. No story is too small! Please send your items, including photos, to mcouhig@sequimgazette. Or drop them off at the Gazette office, 147 W. Washington Ave.