PA Players set stage for ‘The Lion in Winter’

The The Port Angeles Community Players (PACP) winter production of “The Lion in Winter” by James Goldman, will be on the Playhouse main stage, 1235 E. Lauridsen Blvd. on Fridays, Saturdays and Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. with Sunday matinees at 2 p.m., Feb. 23-March 10. The doors and bar open 30 minutes before curtains.

Tickets are $18 for adults and $9 for students. On Tuesday nights, any remaining tickets are $9 at the door. Get tickets online at or at the box office 30 minutes before each performance.

Comedic in tone and dramatic in action, “The Lion in Winter” is described as a modern-day classic based on well-known historic figures.

“It is about the love and hate between a man, a woman, and their sons,” director Janice Parks said. “It’s also about politics, vengeance, greed, and ambition.”

The cast includes Ron Graham, Angela Poynter, Deanna Eickhoff, Sean Stone, Kyle Bartholick, Charlie Medlong and Colby Thomas.

King Henry II of England and his queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, have three remaining sons: Richard, Geoffrey and John. They all want to inherit the throne, but Henry won’t commit to a choice, though he shows a decided preference for John, while Eleanor has other ideas. Her favorite is Richard. What about poor Geoffrey, the middle son? No one seems to want him as king, even though he’s the smartest.

Henry wants his life’s work, the kingdom, to stay united after his death, but with all three sons wanting to rule it is likely to be torn apart by revolution. In fact, two of his three surviving sons have already tried to overthrow their father, supported by their mother, Eleanor. That’s why she’s been imprisoned in a castle far from the action for ten years.

It’s Christmas 1183, and Henry is planning to announce his successor to the throne. He has allowed his imprisoned wife Eleanor out for a Christmas visit. They are joined by their three sons, Henry’s mistress Alais, and her bother Philip, the king of France.

The game of thrones they all play for the crown and for power is complex. Each tries to make the King choose his or her option.