Random Questions with Magan Waldron

On May 16, Magan Waldron of Sequim will vie for the Mrs. Washington crown in Olympia. She’ll compete against 34 other women from the state as Mrs. Olympic Peninsula, a title she received after applying based on where the contestant lives.

On May 16, Magan Waldron of Sequim will vie for the Mrs. Washington crown in Olympia. She’ll compete against 34 other women from the state as Mrs. Olympic Peninsula, a title she received after applying based on where the contestant lives.

If she wins Mrs. Washington, she would compete nationally for Mrs. America and if she wins again, then internationally for Mrs. World.

Waldron said she felt now was the time to try for the Washington title.

“I love our community and want to truly make a difference,” she said.

She competed in Miss Washington USA in 2001, making the top 10 and was voted Miss Congeniality by all of the delegates in 2004.

If chosen Mrs. Washington, Waldron would speak about her platform “Operation Uplift” with the hope to see it modeled in other counties where volunteers raise funds to support their local residents battling cancer like here in Clallam County.

Waldron, an Odessa, Texas, native and 2000 Port Angeles High School graduate, moved to Sequim in 2001 and she and her husband Klayton have a 4-year-old son Kooper. She works in public relations/customer service for Olympic Peninsula Title Co.

For more on the Mrs. Washington Pageant, visit www.mrswashingtonpageant.org.


Question 5: If you could appear as the main character in any medium, who would you be?

Waldron: “I Love Lucy” because I love Lucille Ball. I want would want to play her, she’s funny and made her mark in the world.


Question 24: Where’s your favorite place on the Olympic Peninsula?

Waldron: Chinaman’s Cave (Bagley Creek). It’s pretty cool. We used to live nearby. The top of cave is open and you can see the light above you. I’ve never seen another cave like it.

Question 35: Do you have pets?

Waldron: We have a Saint Bernard, Bobo, and a Chihuahua, Mojo, who thinks he’s King Tut. My Saint Bernard is not one you’d want to mess with and after living with him, my Chihuahua thinks he’s 200 pounds, too.


Question 48: What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Waldron: My favorite is to keep your words sweet because someday you may have to eat them. I also like that making the decision to have a child is momentous; to have your heart walking around outside of your body.


Question 12: What is your earliest memory?

Waldron: I remember sitting on the living room floor watching TV shows on Saturday mornings and dipping strawberries in sugar when I was 2. You can only do it (dip) once. You can’t double dip. We didn’t get a lot of sugar and that was my special treat.


(Last) Question 18: What is the first song that comes to mind as I finish this sentence?

Waldron: “Hey Jude” by The Beatles. It reminds me of my childhood.


In Random Questions, members of the community each draw five random questions (sometimes more) out of 50 from a bag and he/she will answer these questions for your entertainment. With suggestions for random interviews, e-mail Matthew Nash at mnash@sequimgazette.com.