Morning Camp
The staff were happy to share some classics from their own childhoods, like Nancy Drew and the Hardy boys. Week seven of summer break led the members through mystery filled activities and one adventure.
Our morning campers each got the opportunity to write a message in invisible ink and using special equipment they revealed the messages. They were able to compare writing samples to try and discover who wrote the mystery piece. Using all five senses they investigated the mystery contents of a bag. Before seeing what it was they touched, smelled, shook and tasted the contents.
Our members played the game “I spy with my little eye … ” and each of them got their fingerprints taken and did some finger print art.
Inspired by the Nancy Drew “Secrets of the Old Clock” story, our members ventured off to the Clallam County Courthouse to see the clock tour, take a tour and watch part of a real trial.
Junior Rangers
This popular program never disappoints, and every year we have a waiting list of kids wanting to join Dave and the rangers out in the Olympic National Park. With all the sun and heat leading up to this trip our members couldn’t have been more excited for their destination, Sol Duc Hot Springs.
The trip started with a short hike to the falls and this one was extra special because they did a reflection walk. Our rangers placed thought provoking questions or activities on note cards and located them on the trail sporadically. As each hiker passed the notecard they took an extra 30-60 seconds to absorb their surroundings, learn and ultimately appreciate the beauty of the park.
The sun broke through the clouds just in time for the anticipated pool time. The kids splashed around, climbed on their unit director like a pool toy and practiced somersaults into the water. The junior rangers choreographed a synchronized plunge into the pool with the goal to make the biggest splash possible.
Around the Club
With so many kids attending the club, it seems like there is always a birthday or two to celebrate. Typically during club assembly when the kids are gathered together, we call those with a special day up to the stage and sing happy birthday so very loudly. Grins are from ear to ear.
On July 30 we celebrated a special one, it was (unit director) Dave Miller’s birthday. The members adore Dave and look up to him and for several he is a confidant and mentor. This time our members took the stage and the microphone and each told Dave why he was so special as he sat humbled with tears streaming down his face. He has a heart of gold and loves each and every member of the club and they treasure him.
Followed by the birthday open mic day, Dave spent a little extra special one on one time with a staff member who has been here for five years: Jason Shumway was placed on assignment here at the club through Pierce Jones and Associates, who places and coaches individuals with developmental disabilities to employment success. As a result of Jason’s excellent work in the kitchen, he was recently given more hours and responsibilities at the club. Pierce Jones invited Dave and Jason to Seahawks training camp to watch Seattle prepare for the upcoming football season. It was an extraordinary experience for these two Seahawk fans.