Sequim twins celebrate long-awaited reunion

It was a family reunion decades in the making this July in Sequim for local twins Sharon Donaldson-Medsker and Karen Hull. Donaldson-Medsker and Hull had three children each and reunited the siblings/cousins about 30 years after their most recent reunion.

On July 23, the Sequim sisters, 73, re-created a photo taken in Sanford, Fla., in 1966 (“I was pregnant with my third child at the time, so only five were present for the original photo,” Hull said). The children are all now in their early- to mid-50s. Pictured above, from left, are Donna Stinson (Tennessee), Brenda Piatt (Florida), Tammy Boyd (California), Roger Duval (Washington state) and Glen Roberts (Florida).

Sequim twins celebrate long-awaited reunion