Veterans Corner: Learn about resources for spouses at MOAA luncheon

The Seattle Vet Center will be providing Present-Centered Group Therapy (PCGT) for veterans at 3 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at the Veterans Resource Center, 216 S. Francis St., Port Angeles.

The focus will be on how trauma impacts behavior and feelings in current day-to-day life and explores means and strategies for moving forward.

If you are interested in attending please contact Earon at 206-764-5130.

Consider PCGT if you have experienced the following after trauma: anger, distrust, shame/guilt, need for control or emotional numbness.

Toys For Tots totals

I know many of my readers support Mt. Olympus Detachment #897 Marine Corps League Toys For Tots program in Clallam County. The following are the results of the 2023 program: toys distributed: 8,906; children supported: 4,637; money collected locally: $31,415.59; money spent $23,743.24 (toys and all expenditures).

The coordinator thanks the Michael Trebert Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution for their help and support and the U.S. Coast Guard.

The team of Carl, Jeff, Guy, Sam, Chris, Ron and especially Santa made it happen. Thank you again to the community for making sure Clallam County children had a Merry Christmas.

Military service discount

Country Paws Resort is offering a 10% discount to active duty, veterans and first responders for grooming. They also support veterans by giving deep discounts to veterans who may need pet boarding during hospitalizations or other emergency situations.

The basic requirements for boarding are that all dogs be current on all shots and not be aggressive towards people.

For more info look at their website at Country Paws Resort or contact Nate at 360-582-9686 or They will help you take good care of your fur buddies!

Surviving Spouse to speak

The Olympic Peninsula Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) invites all those who have been officers in the U.S. Armed Forces to attend a luncheon on Wednesday, Feb. 21, at Las Palomas Mexican Restaurant, 1085 E. Washington St.

Hear a presentation from Cheryl Toland, a Surviving Spouse, about how to prepare for life after losing a military spouse. As a member of national MOAA’s Surviving Spouse Virtual Chapter and the MOAA Surviving Spouse & Friends Facebook Group, she has found great resources to lead chapter members & spouses to the “Take Action” on the MOAA website.

She has been awarded MOAA Awards for Outstanding Service twice in her five years of serving, September 2020 as Mt. Rainier Chapter’s Liaison and September 2023 as WSCOC Liaison. In 2023, she was chosen for the MOAA National Surviving Spouse Excellence Award.

To make a reservation, please email me at

Contributors: American Legion, Carl Bradshaw,; DAR and MOAA, Lorri Gilchrist,; Voices For Veterans, Rita Frangione Marine Corps League, Mark Schildknecht,; Korean War Veterans, Jerry Rettela,; VFW 4760, Steve Henrikson, ; VFW 6787, Rod Lee, , Fleet Reserve, Paul Rogers,