Blaze destroys home near Deer Park

Sequim Gazette staff

An A-frame home on the historical Danz Ranch eight miles up Deer Park Road burned to the ground Sept. 17 after a morning chimney fire.


The blaze started in the morning when the home’s caretakers re-stoked a fire they had going overnight and flames emerged around the fireplace stovepipe, said Patrick Young, Clallam County Fire District 3 public information officer.


When the first fire units arrived around 9:25 a.m., they found the house fully involved and worked to lay a quarter-mile of hose line to pump water from water tenders to the house. The nearest fire hydrant was four miles away, Young said.


Clallam County Fire District 2 provided mutual aid with their fire chief, several volunteers and two water tenders, he said.


“The concern at that point in time was controlling the spread of fire,” Young said.


Crews successfully extinguished the fire and prevented it from spreading, he said.