Blue Mountain Transfer Station destroyed by fire

An investigation began Monday, Nov. 11, into the cause of a fire that destroyed the building that housed two large dumpsters at 1024 Blue Mountain Road in Port Angeles.


The fire was reported to 9-1-1 at approximately 6:40 p.m. Sunday night and by the time fire crews arrived, almost 90 percent of the building was involved in the fire.


The fire destroyed the business office, employee break area and burned off the roof that covered the garbage and cardboard recycling dumpsters. The contents of both dumpsters also were on fire. The facility was closed at the time of the fire and no injuries were reported.


As fire crews began to combat the fire, a large pressure tank inside of the building exploded causing a loud “boom” to be heard in the area. The tank more than likely experienced a steam explosion as water inside the tank turned into steam and could not escape.


The garbage dumpster was nearly empty at the time of the fire while the cardboard recycling container was nearly full.  


It took approximately 20 firefighters from Districts 3 and 2 over two hours to extinguish the blaze and mop up hotspots.


Clallam Fire District 2, the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office and Clallam County PUD all responded to the incident.


No initial estimate was available on the financial loss caused by the fire.  


More information to come.