Sequim Gazette staff
The Sequim Boys & Girls Club is set to replace its main mode of transportation after an unexpected breakdown.
Mary Budke, executive director of the Boys & Girls Club of the Olympic Peninsula, said the rear axle on their old bus broke near Sequim Bay State Park on Aug. 28 with about 40 students riding to the Pacific Science Center in Seattle.
“We only paid $6,000 for it (the old bus) and we’ve had it since 2007 so it’s been a good bus for us,” she said. “Thank goodness we have other transportation options to us. The other nice thing is that we saved, we planned and we were ready.”
Budke said they’ve planned for a new bus with a fundraiser at their 2013 annual auction and with grants and savings. She anticipates a 2008 Bluebird arriving later this month from Tulsa, Okla. One of their stipulations, she said, was making sure the bus was compatible with Sequim School District’s for maintenance.
Club officials have canceled all trips until the new bus arrives but are using a smaller bus to transport students from Greywolf Elementary to the Sequim club at 400 W. Fir St. For more information about the club, call 360-683-8095.