Walking into Beth Barrett’s home is like thumbing through a family photo album.
Dozens of pictures of her five children line the walls, black and white images greeting guests and sharing the memories of one family through the years. Pictures of her twins learning to stand and walk, her eldest son being cradled in his mother’s arms, her little girl enjoying an outdoor bubble bath, Barrett captures the moments she never wants to forget and frames them for safekeeping.
“It’s so important to make time for photographs because you can’t go back in time later,” Barrett said. “A lot of people don’t like pictures of themselves, but 10 years from now you will look back and say, ‘Wow, I looked so beautiful.’”
Barrett has loved photography since she was a little girl learning how to use a camera from her father, who she describes as an “amateur, passionate photographer.”
“He took these great pictures that looked like they should be in magazines and that was inspiring,” Barrett reminisced fondly.
Barrett was known to take pictures of her younger sisters and try to sell them to her parents as she was growing up. As an adult, she continues taking pictures for both business and pleasure.
Morning Star Photography offers baby, maternity, high school senior portrait, wedding, sport, school event and family photos. In the past she focused on photo shoots on location but now she also welcomes customers into her private studio by appointment.
Barrett’s favorite types of photos to take: babies, babies and more babies. That is why she offers complimentary newborn portraits for children 1 month and younger. “That’s where my passion is,” she explained, “being a mama. If I had to choose between photography and being a mama, I would always choose being a mama. Being able to do both is a dream come true.”
Building her portfolio is Barrett’s main goal for Morning Star Photography. Making money is secondary. “Photography is something fun that I happen to get paid to do,” she said. “My favorites are the shots where people look like they don’t know their picture is being taken, like they are lost in a private joke, don’t see it coming and don’t know you are there.”
Barrett shoots mostly black and white photos using a digital camera and tripod. The black and white coloring draws attention to the subject rather than the surroundings, which color does, she explained.
Color prints are available upon request.
Barrett said she plans to continue using her hereditary “photographer’s eyes” to make an impact in the community. Don’t be surprised to see her at Little League games, family reunions, weddings and the park, shooting photos.
“This is who I am and what I do,” she said. “I love children, I love taking pictures and I want to do stuff that’s fun.”
For more information, to schedule an appointment or receive directions to Morning Star Photography studio, contact Barrett at 670-6658.
Capturing life’s most precious moments
Morning Star Photography is a Sequim-based business owned by photographer Beth Barrett. Photography options include newborn, maternity, high school senior and family portrait packages. Private studio appointments are offered in addition to on-location photo shoots. For more information, a pricing scale or to schedule an appointment, call 670-6658 or see