Clallam Republicans’ Lincoln Day Dinner scheduled for April 16

The Clallam County GOP announces that tickets are now on sale for Lincoln Day Dinner to be held at the Red Lion Inn, 221 N. Lincoln St. second floor ballroom, Port Angeles, on April 16.

The Clallam County GOP announces that tickets are now on sale for Lincoln Day Dinner to be held at the Red Lion Inn, 221 N. Lincoln St. second floor ballroom, Port Angeles, on April 16.

Meet party dignitaries and candidates during no-host cocktail hour from 5-6 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:15 p.m.

The keynote speaker is Rep. Elizabeth Scott from the 39th Legislative District and candidate for U.S. House of Representatives 1st District.

This is your opportunity to find out what is happening politically not only in Port Angeles but also in Olympia and other areas.

Come for the speaker and networking opportunity and stay for the auctions.

A plethora of items donated by GOP supporters will be up for bidding and bid proceeds go to run the local Clallam County GOP office and activities.

Individual dinner tickets are $60 or $110 for a couple for open seating or purchase an entire table of eight for your like-minded friends and you get first choice from available tables.

Purchase tickets at GOP Headquarters, 509 Lincoln St. between 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday  or by calling 417-3035 or going to

All major credit cards accepted.