P.A. market plans
move to downtown
The Port Angeles Farmers Market is negotiating with the city of Port Angeles to use the Gateway Center as a year-round Saturday location.
The decision follows several Saturday trials at the Gateway. Most vendors saw an increase in foot traffic and sales.
Community Players holds tryouts
Port Angeles Community Players will hold tryouts for "The Matchmaker" at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9, at the Port Angeles Community Playhouse, 1235 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles. There are roles for nine men and seven women ages 20 and older.
Production dates for the play are Nov. 20-Dec. 6.
Copies of the play are available at Port Angeles and Sequim libraries and prepared pieces are not required. Call 452-2998.
ONP reopens east-side trails
Olympic National Park officials have re-opened about 30 miles of park trails that had been closed because of hazards from nearby wildfires.
These trails have been reopened in the upper Dose Drainage:
• Constance Pass Trail from the Dosewallips Trail to the park boundary
• Main Fork Dosewallips Trail from the junction of Gray Wolf Pass to the Dose Forks
• West Fork Dosewallips Trail from Honeymoon Meadows to Dose Forks.
Two trails still are closed and likely to remain so for several weeks or longer:
• Duckabush Trail from LaCrosse Pass junction to the park boundary
• Hiker use of the Dosewallips Road the Elkhorn Campground to the Dosewallips Trail at Dose Forks, one mile west of the Dosewallips Ranger Station.
Learn about Pakistan
Readers Theatre Plus presents an evening with Ethan Casey, a Seattle-based journalist/reporter who authored "Alive and Well in Pakistan" and the soon-to-be-released "Overtaken By Events."
He will speak a at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11, at the Pioneer Memorial Park clubhouse, 387 E. Washington St., Sequim, and at 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12, at the First Presbyterian Church, 139 Eighth St., Port Angeles.
Both events are free and open to the public.
He is speaking to church and interfaith groups about creating connections and understanding between Americans and Pakistanis.
For questions and/or reservations, call 888-762-1764.
Robb new P.A. Port chief
Sequim native Jeff Robb, 55, is the new executive director for the Port of Port Angeles.
The port’s three-person board of commissioners announced the selection Monday, Aug. 24.
Robb began his career with the port in 1984 as a project engineer and public works manager. Then he was the port’s airport and marina manager from November 1996 until November 1998.
He left for a year to become director of airport operations and real estate for the Port of Bremerton and returned in October 1999.
Robb became the port’s airport and marinas manager in 1999. He was promoted to director of aviation and marinas in 2008 after he declined Sequim’s public works director position.
Robb is a 1972 graduate of Sequim High School and has a degree in civil engineering from Peninsula College.
Cast off for P.T.
Thursday, Sept. 10, marks the grand opening of the Northwest Maritime Center and the beginning of the annual Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival.
More than 230 wooden boats are expected and the Maritime Center’s Wooden Boat Foundation education building, boat shop, First Federal Commons, Compass Rose, Pilot House, second-floor classrooms and public decks will open between 5-6 p.m. Thursday and remain open throughout the weekend of Sept. 11-13.
There will be wooden boat-building demonstrations, facility tours, visits to nearly 150 boats at Point Hudson Marina, music, food and presentations by wooden boat and sailing experts Nigel Calder (United Kingdom) and Luis Peaze (Brazil).
A full list of presenters and activities is at www.woodenboat.org.
Work party replacing rotted Railroad deck
The Peninsula Trails Coalition will be hold its Second Saturday work party from
9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12, replacing rotted bridge decking at the Dungeness Bridge at Railroad Bridge Park.
Both carpenters and carpenters’ helpers are welcome. Meet at the River Center off West Hendrickson Road in Sequim. Bring work gloves, knee pads, hammers, crowbars, power screwdrivers and water to drink.
Lunch will be provided for those who RSVP by noon on Thursday, Sept. 10. For more information and to RSVP, contact Mike at mikesbikes@olympus.net, 681-3868 (days).
Blaine hires Bullock
Bill Bullock, former interim public works director for Sequim, was appointed Aug. 1 as assistant public works director for Blaine, the U.S.-Canadian border town of 3,770 people.
Bullock was introduced at the Aug. 10 Blaine City Council meeting. He is focusing on updating the transportation element of the city’s comprehensive plan.
During his 21/2 years in Sequim, Bullock served as city engineer and assistant public works director as well as interim public works director following Jim Bay’s retirement in April 2008. Bullock also worked in the public works departments of Mason County for 12 years and Lewis County for two years.
accepted for
driving course
The AAA Driver Improvement Program is accepting reservations for its refresher course on defensive driving skills from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 17, at the Pioneer Memorial Park clubhouse in Sequim.
Successful course completion qualifies drivers 55 and older for automobile insurance premium discounts. However, all ages are welcome to attend.
Cost is $16 per person. Call 800-462-3728.
Senior menu
Here are the Sequim Senior Nutrition Site menus, served at 4:30 p.m. at Suncrest Village Retirement Apartments, 251 S. Fifth Ave. Suggested donation: $3. Menus are subject to change.
Wednesday Sept. 2 – Coleslaw, fish and chips, broccoli, corn bread, brownie
Thursday Sept. 3 – Cook’s choice
Friday Sept. 4 – Green salad, lasagna, mixed vegetables, garlic bread, peaches
Monday Sept. 7 – Closed for holiday
Tuesday Sept. 8 – Fruit cup, turkey burger, fries, ice cream sundae.
News analyst speaks at Rotary meeting
Television news analyst Rick Francona will be Sequim Noon Rotary Club’s guest speaker at its regular meeting Thursday, Sept. 3.
Francona will speak about "Challenges and Opportunities for American Foreign Policy in the Middle East."
He is a retired United States Air Force intelligence officer, a veteran of the Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars and service in the Balkans.
Call 460-7465.
Sequim duplicate bridge results
• Thursday, Aug. 20
1. Wilma Lambert-Sueann Swan; 2. Chuck Williams-Jim Wiitilia; 3. Ted Miller-Vern Nunnely
• Friday, Aug. 21
N/S: 1. Carol Keller-Barbara Nist; 2.Arlene Nunnely-Vern Nunnely; 3. Paula Cramer-Wilma Lambert; 4. Fay Coupe-Pat Landis.
E/W: 1. Julie Gray-Ilze Schubert; 2. Tom Markley-Mona VanDyke; 3. Thomas Larsen-Patrick Thomson; 4. Leonard Hills-Sharon Hills.
• Monday, August 24
N/S: 1.Frank Brown-Jim Wiitala; 2. Evelyn Miller-Ilze Schubert; 3.Julie Gray-Gloria Runyan; 4. Paula Cramer-Wilma Lambert.
E/W: l. John Anderson-Jack Real; 2. Frank Herodes-Nancy Herodes; 3. Gerry Paul-Bobbie Spoerri; 4. Pete Mayberg-Mary Norwood.
Potential Sequim Duplicate Bridge Club players who need partners should call Ruby Mantle, 683-5635.