Disaster relief center expanded to Clallam courthouse

The Disaster Recovery Center currently in Forks will move after Feb. 4 to two additional sites in Clallam County to help survivors of the November flooding apply for FEMA assistance.

In addition to the Forks office, a center was added at the Clallam County Emergency Operations Center within the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. 4th St., Port Angeles — the center will operate 9 a.m.– 6 p.m. — and another in Clallam Bay.

Recovery specialists from FEMA, the U.S. Small Business Administration and Washington state agencies will be available to help flood survivors of Clallam and other counties.

Applicants may apply online at either the Disaster Recovery Centers, receive additional disaster assistance information, and download applications at disasterloanassistance.sba.gov.

Applicants may also call the U.S. Small Business Association’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 or email disastercustomerservice@sba.gov for more information on SBA disaster assistance.