DIY septic system exam instruction is online

Interested in becoming certified to inspect your own septic system? A Septics 201 Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Self-Inspection Septic Certification is now offered on-line in Clallam County.

Interested in becoming certified to inspect your own septic system? A Septics 201 Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Self-Inspection Septic Certification is now offered on-line in Clallam County.

The Clallam County Health and Human Services’ Environmental Health staff officially has launched the online Septics 201 DIY Homeowner Septic Inspection Program website at

The program was developed by staffers to provide onsite septic system owners with a cost-effective option to comply with state septic inspection regulations. Successful completion of Septics 201 DIY allows those homeowners to perform their own septic inspections without having to pay for a certified professional septic inspector.

The online Septics 201 DIY is part of the county-approved septic system inspection training and certification program and covers self-inspection of conventional gravity septic systems, pressure distribution systems, sand filter systems and mound systems. Other system types such as aerobic treatment units, biofilters and all systems with proprietary devices are ineligible for DIY inspections and must be evaluated by a professional.

If you live in the Marine Recovery Area, your septic system must have a current professional inspection on file with Clallam County before one may proceed with Septic 201 DIY certification. After the initial professional inspection, Marine Recovery Area homeowners may qualify to inspect their own septic system if they meet the other criteria.

Clallam County requires Septics 101 (in-person class or as a prerequisite for Septics 201.

Once certified, homeowners will be able to submit their inspection records to the county over the Internet.

If your septic system is not eligible for Homeowner DIY inspections, you will receive an automated message with the reason for ineligibility and will not be able to complete the registration process.

Before registering, go to, click on Summary of Septic System Inspection Requirements and check eligibility.