Harker gets Rotary honor

Sequim Gazette staff

Sunrise Rotary’s Middle School Student of the Month for February is Daniel Harker. He was born in Long Beach, Calif., and raised in Sequim.


Harker is Sequim Middle School’s ASB vice president and is enrolled in honors classes at the middle school, currently taking geometry at Sequim High School.


His favorite school subjects are math, leadership and band. His favorite sports are baseball and basketball.


His non-school interests and hobbies include Boy Scouts, collecting baseball cards and altar-service. His Scout troop poured a cement slab and planted flowers outside of the middle school for a community service project.


Harker says he plans to attend a four-year university to study business and sports management.


He is the son of Scott and Colleen Harker of Sequim. He has three siblings: Peter (20), Matthew (18) and Kate (16).