Old Time Fiddlers elects 2009 officers


The Clallam and Jefferson counties district of Washington Old Time Fiddlers has elected new officers for 2009.

District chairman will be John Marrs of Port Angeles, who succeeds George Yount of Port Townsend. Yount served as chairman for two years.

Vice chairman for Clallam County will be Jack Reagan of Sequim and for Jefferson County it will be Joe Hunt of Port Ludlow.

Secretary will be Donna Spence of Port Angeles and treasurer will be Val Cullinan of Sequim.

The Old Time Fiddlers play old-time and popular music with acoustic instruments. The next all-players, all-ages jam sessions are 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and performances are 1:30-3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 22, at the Chimacum Tri-Area Center, 10 West Valley Road, Chimacum, and Saturday, Dec. 13, at Fairview Grange on Lake Farm Road, Port Angeles.

Planning has begun for the annual spring show, scheduled this year for Sunday, March 15, at the Sequim High School auditorium.