Sequim Seventh-day Adventist Church

Spirtual spotlight

"So what exactly is a ‘Seventh-day Adventist?’" asks Pastor Dale Kongorski of Sequim Seventh-day Adventist Church.

"You may have noticed our parking lot is filled on Saturday mornings and that we emphasize eating fruits and veggies for good health, but what else is there about this faith that began in America and now encircles the globe?"

The local Seventh-day Adventist Church upholds the following ideology through events and ongoing services.

A Joyful Mind – Adventists believe true joy comes from knowing their creator and savior through a daily experience of his grace and love. What they receive from him, they openly share with others.

• Adventist Community Services – Their food and clothing distribution center provides dignity and necessities to those in need. It’s free and open 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 5-6:30 p.m. Tuesdays.

• Depression Recovery Seminars – Held twice a year, these seminars have changed people’s lives, using the latest brain research and a loving social network.

• Mountain View Christian School – For first-eighth grades, enthusiastic teachers provide a positive, faith-based, state-accredited curriculum. School runs Aug. 26-June 3, and tours are available by calling 683-6170.

•Adventurers Club – For first-fourth grade, children meet twice a month for fun activities, to earn awards and learn about God, family, community and the world.

Registration begins at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 2.

• Pathfinders Club – A Christian scouting group for children ages 10-15. Weekly meetings include fun activities, honor patches, campouts and learning how to serve God and others. It meets at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at the church.

A Healthy Body – Adventists believe people’s bodies are to be nourished and cared for as living temples of the Holy Spirit.

• Vegan/Vegetarian Potluck – Offered once a month, join a registered dietician for information and recipe exchanges for fresh and healthy meals.

• Vegetarian Cooking Class – Twice a year a featured speaker or chef presents a hands-on demonstration for healthier meals, with delicious samples to taste.

• Healthy Lifestyle Literature always is available at the church.

A Christ-Centered Spirit – Adventists believe Jesus Christ is the ultimate focus and how one lives should reflect his loving kindness.

• Bible Classes – 9:30-10:40 a.m. Saturdays, individualized for all ages with different topics to choose from, depending on your interest.

• Church Worship Service – 11 a.m.-noon, praise-filled songs, intercessory prayer and a weekly message to inspire people in their daily walk.

• Community Bible Studies – held in people’s homes with topics determined by each group.

• Sequim Seventh-day Adventist has 346 members and averages 150 people per service.

• Services are recorded to DVD and available for those who need/want them.

"So who are ‘Seventh-day Adventists?’" Kongorski asks again.

"We are a people of hope whose lives are being

changed by a dynamic, personal God, in whose Scripture we look to for truth and in whose return we look to in faith."

For more information on events, services and/or beliefs, call the church at 683-7373 or visit at 30 Sanford Lane, Sequim.

For a Spiritual Spotlight on your church, spiritual group and/or event contact Matthew Nash at