Dungeness Valley Lutheran offers classes

Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church, 923 N.

Sequim Ave., is offering two classes beginning in September.

• "Science and Religion," with Paul Wessel, is at 9:40 a.m. Sundays Sept. 19-Oct. 24.

The course examines issues between science and religion with readings from "The God Gene" and investigations into the neural effects of religious belief.

It explores the thought that in every instance where religion has sought to maintain an explanation

of the physical world, where it was in conflict with science, religion has suffered.

• "Jews, Christians, Muslims: Common Roots, Seeds of Conflict, Rays of Hope," with Dr. Ken Burres, is from 6:45-8 p.m. Wednesdays Sept. 15-Oct. 27.

Discussion focuses on ancient and current conflicts such as Christian accusations of "Christkillers" against the Jews, Muslim conquests of Christian lands, the Holocaust, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the current controversy over the "Ground Zero mosque" and more on Jewish, Christian and Muslim conflicts and atrocities.

Burres will explore why these happened despite all three religions worshipping the same God of mercy, compassion and love.

Evening classes begin with a potluck dinner at 6 p.m.

Register at Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church or at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 Blake Ave., Sequim.

For more information, contact Dungeness Valley Lutheran at 681-0946 or
