Church news

End of Summer Festival

The Sequim Center for Spiritual Living will hold an End of Summer Festival 11:30 a.m-3:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12, at Pioneer Memorial Park, 387 E. Washington St., Sequim.

Activities include a silent auction, bake sale, games, prizes, food and a raffle for a color television.

Raffle tickets are $2 The winner need not be present.

Call 360-977-7689.

Aglow luncheon meeting

Author Sharon Gillenwater speaks about "Touching Hearts Through Romantic Fiction" at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 7, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 Blake Ave., Sequim. Aglow International sponsors the luncheon meeting.

Lunch is provided and babysitting is available.

A $4 donation is requested.

Call 683-3167.