The Green Alliance for Veterans Education (GAVE) has veterans Victory Garden plots available at Robin Hill Park. This is a community garden that also donates food to local organizations by raising potatoes and pumpkins.
This is a great way to enjoy the therapy of gardening while getting to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You tell GAVE what you want to grow and they help you make it happen.
Go to the website and read more. There is a link to the application on the Home page.
You also can call 360-797-1791 for more information. Spring is here! It is the perfect time to start your garden.
Memorial Day events
Memorial Day ceremonies are held on Monday, May 26. The American Legion will put flags on veterans’ graves in the Sequim area on Saturday, May 24.
The flags will remain on the graves until Monday afternoon.
The VFW will have the lead at the Sequim View Cemetery service at 11 a.m. They will go on to do services at the Pioneer Park and Gardiner cemeteries. The American Legion Post 62 will conduct services at Jamestown at 11:30 a.m., Dungeness at noon and Blue Mountain at 12:45 p.m.
If you can help put out or take in flags, e-mail me at
I encourage everyone to attend these ceremonies and show respect for our deceased veterans.
Forks event a success
Thanks to everyone who helped make the Voices For Veterans Stand Down in Forks on May 1 a successful event. The active duty Coast Guard members were a great addition. There were about 25 service providers, the Elks put on a delicious breakfast and lunch and there were many helping hands so the folks who came went away with full stomachs, with needed clothing and hopefully the information they need to help them on their life journey.
The next standdown will be in Port Townsend on July 28. E-mail me with any questions or donations
Sarge’s needs a car
Sarge’s Place is looking for the donation of a fuel-efficient car to take veterans to and from the Veterans Administration hospitals in Seattle or Tacoma.
All donations to Sarge’s Place, through its parent nonprofit organization, the North Olympic Regional Veterans Housing Network, are tax deductible. If you have a low-cost or free used car in good working order, e-mail Cheri at
DAR meeting set
The Daughters of the American Revolution Michael Trebert Chapter will have its last meeting until September at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 21, at the Skills Center in Port Angeles. Lunch will be at noon. There will be presentations of the Conservation Award to Michele Canale and a quilt and check to Betsy Reed Schultz for the Captain Joseph House.
The chapter has been recognized at the state level for literacy programs, flying U.S. flags, media coverage and supporting our veterans.
If you are interested in attending the meeting or have questions, contact the Regent at
Contributors: DAR, Regent, Joyce Stroeher,; American Legion and MOAA, Lorri Gilchrist,; VFW Commander Tristan Ryan,; Marine Corps League, John Spriggs,; Korean War Veterans, Jerry Rettela,; Fleet Reserve Association, Tom Flanik,; Operation Holiday Stockings, Sue Rambin,