The Sequim Equestrian Team is headed to the state meet in mid-May, but not before taking home the District 4 Small Teams title for the third consecutive season.
Sequim riders racked up 11 gold medals, 15 silver and bronzes, and several other individual honors at the third and final district meet of the season, held at Grays Harbor Fairgrounds in Elma April 11-14.
Katelynn Middleton-Sharpe was named Versatility Champion, Asha Swanberg was named Timed Events Champion and Libby Swanberg earned Timed Events Versatility Champion, with each earning buckles for their efforts.
Also earning a buckle is Joanna Seelye, who won the Exceptional Athlete award.
Libby Swanberg earned a team-high five medals from the district meets, getting a gold in breakaway roping and silvers in working rancher, figure eight, reining and individual flags.
Asha Swanberg earned four medals: golds in daubing and pole bending, and bronzes in figure eight and individual flags.
Sydney Hutton earned three individual medals: a gold in jumping, silver in saddle seat and bronze in dressage.
Middleton-Sharpe, Taylor Lewis and Paige Reed each earned two medals: Middleton-Sharpe, a gold in saddle seat and silver in keyhole; Lewis, a gold in reigning and silver in stock seat, and Reed a silver in barrels and bronze in pole bending.
Kennady Gilbertson earned a gold medal in keyhole while Seelye earned a gold in individual flags.
Two Sequim team sorting squads earned medals: Asha and Libby Swanberg took home gold while Gilbertson and Reed earned a silver. Those duos also took home gold and silver in two-man birangle.
In team events, Sequim’s versatility team (Asha and Libby Swanberg, Gilbertson, Reed and Celbie Karjalainen) earned a gold, while their Canadian flags team (Asha and Libby Swanberg, Gilbertson and Reed) earned a bronze.
“Overall a great season and we are so proud of each and every one of our athletes,” coaches said.
The state meet is set for May 16-19 at the Grant County Fairgrounds in Moses Lake.
Sequim’s District 4 third meet results:
• Performance events
Dressage — 2. Sydney Hutton, 7. Katelynn Middleton-Sharpe
Hunt Seat — 4. Hutton
In-Hand Obstacle Relay — 5. Middleton-Sharpe-Celbie Karjalainen-Taylor Lewis-Lily Meyer
In-hand Trail — 5. Lewis
Jumping — 1. Hutton
Reining — 1. Lewis, 2. Libby Swanberg
Saddle seat — 1. Hutton, 2. Middleton-Sharpe
Showmanship — 7. Karjalainen, 12. Lewis, 14. Middleton-Sharpe
Stock seat — 3. Lewis, 7. Karjalainen
Trail equitation — 5. Karjalainen
Working rancher — 3. L. Swanberg
Working pairs — 1. Asha Swanberg-L. Swanberg, 4. Meyer-Joanna Seelye
• Drill teams
Drill Freestyle Fours — 1. Lewis-Meyer-Middleton-Sharpe-Seelye
• Timed events
Bi-wrangle — 1. A. Swanberg-L. Swanberg, 4. Middleton-Sharpe-Seelye, 8. Kennady Gilbertson-Paige Reed, 12. Lewis-Meyer, 16. Hutton-Karjalainen
Pole bending — 1. A. Swanberg, 2. Reed, 14. Seelye, 19. Gilbertson, 20. Meyer
Figure eight — 1. Gilbertson, 3. L. Swanberg, 4. Reed, 9. Middleton-Sharpe, 13. Seelye, 19. A. Swanberg, 20. Karjalainen
Individual flags — 1. Reed, 2. Gilbertson, 3. A. Swanberg, 4. Seelye, 12. L. Swanberg, 14. Meyer,
Keyhole — 1. Gilbertson, 2. Katelynn, 4. A. Swanberg, 17. Meyer
Barrels — 3. Gilbertson, 4. A. Swanberg, 5. Reed, 20. Lewis, 22. Meyer, 23. Seelye,
• Cattle events
Breakaway roping — 1. L. Swanberg
Daubing — 2. A. Swanberg, 3. L. Swanberg, 4. Reed, 7. Seelye, 8. Gilbertson
Team sorting — 1. Gilbertson-Reed, 2. A. Swanberg-L. Swanberg, 7. Hutton-Karjalainen, 10. Middleton-Sharpe-Seelye, 11. Lewis-Meyer.