Letters to the Editor — Jan. 26, 2022

Statement of ignorance

It is sad that city council member William Armacost has once again flaunted his ignorance in public. He stated in the newspaper that “In God We Trust” is in the constitution.

Most school children know that this is not true. This “motto” was added to be imprinted on our money in 1956 by the Eisenhower administration. The framers of the constitution were very specific concerning the separation of church and state.

In addition, the original white settlers (Pilgrims) to this country were not just those seeking religious freedom (from a required state mandated religion), but also adventure seekers, prisoners sent by the crown to get rid of them, and simply those wishing to leave England for a new life.

It would be great if Armacost would at least learn a little basic history. He continues to be an embarrassment to our community.

Emma Amiad


The cross on the wall

So much for focusing on important “chamber” business! (“City councilors vote to blur backgrounds in virtual meetings,” Sequim Gazette, Jan. 19, page A-1)

I suppose we can overlook the fact that some of our newer council members haven’t yet learned how to focus on the business at hand without being distracted by home furnishings!

As for what the symbol of the cross might represent to Christians, it too is part of a story. One with far greater significance to humankind than an indigenous cultural tale carved from a cedar!

Gary Miller


Constitution: not a religious document

The recent article concerning the blurring of backgrounds in City Council meetings (“City councilors vote to blur backgrounds in virtual meetings,” Sequim Gazette, Jan. 19, page A-1) contains a quote by councilor William Armacost in which he states that in the Constitution of the United States there is a reference “In God We Trust.” This is untrue, the Constitution contains no such verbiage.

The only place religion is mentioned is in the First Amendment, and again, there is no reference to God.

Historically, “In God We Trust” was first used on U.S. coins during the Civil War. The printing of that statement on paper money was only enacted in 1955.

It may behove Mr. Armacost to take a high school refresher course in American history so the he may be reminded of how our nation was formed using the Constitution as a social contract and a framework for governance between citizens. The Constitution is not a religious document.

Lorne Mullick

Clallam County

Jan. 6 is not Pearl Harbor or 9-11

Jan. 6, 2022 marked one year since the break-in at America’s capitol. Several Capitol Police Officers were hurt and one died of a heart attack. One unarmed female was shot and killed by a Capitol Police Officer while entering through a window. That was the only shot fired that day. The intruders did not burn or loot the building. Once in the Capitol, they did not beat or kill anyone.

On Jan. 6, 2022, the Vice President and President gave speeches. Vice President Harris told how the actions of January 6,2021 were the same as the actions of Dec. 7 at Pearl Harbor and 9-11 in New York. President Biden told of how the actions of Jan. 6, 2021, were the same as the Civil War.

I would ask anyone with any knowledge of these actions if they are the same? I would ask anyone if the life loss and property loss on Jan. 6, 2021 are the same as these three events. To make these claims is so hurtful to those who lost love ones on 9-11 and at Pearl Harbor is so sad.

I would like to say I am sorry if in any way I helped get these two people elected to public office. People like Harris and Biden have no idea of the hurt they cause by making these wild, shameful statements. People like these two have no business holding public office.

These statements, if made by either party, are just shameful. Heaven help America!

William Howd


Editor’s note: According to the Washington Post, 140 police officers were injured in the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection. —MD

‘Planet Earth needs innovators’

Many of us are overwhelmed by the state of our planet—what to do? Most of us feel it’s not within our power to effect any meaningful change. I’ve heard that inaction is the enemy—so, here is a list of action items I saw recently in the New Yorker.

I’m sure you’ve heard them before, but a few reminders can’t hurt:

Drive less; limit/plan your driving trips around town; share a ride.

Buy the most fuel-efficient vehicle (electric if possible).

Decarbonize the grid—use a community solar option. Companies bend to consumer pressure, so tell PUD your preferences.

Eat real food. Stay along the perimeters of the grocery store, and stay out of the aisles for the most part. Plant your own produce if possible. Support local farmers.

Protect nature/natural/wilderness areas—use your voice and your vote.

Clean up industry — ditto above.

Invest in clean energy. Keep your investments carbon-neutral.

Write a letter to the editor with your own ideas to inspire us.

Innovate! Planet Earth needs innovators, and, hopefully, great ideas are forthcoming. We can all take these actions while others are working the problem.

Bonnie Glendenning
