Parenting In Focus: An important job

As the end of 2020 is rapidly coming into view, it is a good time to take stock of how you are doing in your role as parent. What would you change or what would you try to change? It is well worth your time to do this kind of checking in on yourself.

Parenting comes with a long list of requirements. Some you can modify and others you just have to accept as they are.

• No matter whether you work outside the home or not, parenting is a full time job. No parent can afford to try to be a weekend parent and ignore all that happens during the week.

• Your child needs your attention. She needs it to move her from place to place before she learns to crawl.

• She needs you to pay attention when she cries so you can comfort her. She needs to hear you love her and she needs to comfort of your hugs.

• She needs your attention to tell her what a good job she is doing putting her toys away. Just letting her know she is doing the right thing helps her gain confidence in what she is doing.

• She needs you to be there to read a story to her, then another, and another. She loves it when she can pick out the next book.

• She needs you to tell her now nice she was when she was sharing her toys with her friend today. You are providing the information she needs to have to be a really good friend.

• She needs you to bring her cups for playing in the bathtub so she can dump water from cup to cup. Then tomorrow, she needs another way to play in the tub that she can show you.

• She needs to have you listen when she has something to say that is important to her. It isn’t easy to find other who will listen.

• She needs to have regular conversations with you so that she can really learn how to talk. You are the one she is most likely to have these conversations with. Make sure they happen.

• She needs you to rave about how brave she is on the playground equipment. This actually makes her feel braver.

• She needs you to kiss her good night and tell hear how special she is.

Whether you are a mom or a dad or a step-parent, this is the most important job you will ever have. Do it with all your heart. It really matters.

Cynthia Martin is the founder of the First Teacher program and former executive director of Parenting Matters Foundation, which publishes newsletters for parents, caregivers and grandparents. For more information, email to or call 360-681-2250.