Women’s barbershop singing group invites community on ‘cruise’

The Grand Olympics Chorus of Sweet Adelines International prepares for the upcoming production “Harmony Ahoy!” Oct. 2-3. Sequim Gazette photo by Ashley Miller


The Grand Olympics Chorus of Sweet Adelines International is heading out to sea.

The entire community is invited to join the group of lively and friendly women as they cruise the Strait of Juan de Fuca during the group’s largest annual fundraiser the first weekend in October.

The first act of "Harmony Ahoy!" features the group of more than 30 ladies in a nautical setting. The second act takes place at the captain’s ball – and the Sweet Adelines are the featured entertainers!

"It’s another unique performance by the Sweet Adelines," said member Julie Lawson.

Directed by Judie Sharpe, the concert features four chorus quartets, the all-male Happy Valley Quartet and the Olympic Mountain Cloggers.

A number of "interesting characters" are aboard the ship, according to Melinda Griffith, including "Always Hungry," "Seasick," "Cruise Director Wannabes" and "Forever Hunting Suzy."

The show’s theme is food, the members warned, so prepare to have your taste buds teased.

Proceeds from the event benefit the chorus and its mission to provide the opportunity for women to learn and grow in the craft of barbershop singing in a friendly, fun atmosphere while entertaining the community with quality barbershop harmony. And, as usual, the group provides annual scholarships to students interested in barbershop harmony.

"Come go on a cruise with us," said Bonnie Stewart. "You won’t be disappointed."

For more information about the Sequim chapter of the Sweet Adelines International, go online to www.grandolympicschorus.org.


Jump on board

Who: The Grand Olympics Chorus of Sweet Adelines International

What: Harmony Ahoy!

When: 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3

Where: Sequim High School auditorium, 601 N. Sequim Ave.

Admission: $10 in advance, $12 at the door. Tickets available at Port Book & News in Port Angeles or Frick Drug in Sequim