City planning meeting set for Feb. 19

The City of Sequim Planning Commission invites residents to a meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 19, to discuss new regulations in the Sequim Municipal Code for the size of garages and other accessory buildings. 

The review is in response to concerns raised about a large garage in the area around Carrie Blake Park.

Currently, zoning code allows garages and accessory structures to be twice the height and four to five times the bulk of the average home in Sequim. 

Community Development Director Chris Hugo said that the existing rules are somewhat incomplete and need further development.

Hugo says that the existing standards would allow a 1,500-square-foot house to have an accessory garage 10 to 12 times as large as the house. 

“That would be shocking for anybody,” said Hugo. "Our goal with this review is to get the rules more in line with what’s practical." 

The meeting will be at 6 p.m. in the Sequim Transit Center, 190 W. Cedar St.