Dungeness Refuge welcomes new project leader


Sequim Gazette staff

Sequim-based Jennifer Brown-Scott is a new project leader at Washington Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Complex. The organization’s holdings, which stretch from the San Juan Islands to islands off the Pacific Coast, include the Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge, where Brown-Scott’s office is located.


In her new job, Brown-Scott is charged with helping staff workers “to be as efficient as possible.”


She says her first few months have been busy, with the Dungeness Refuge welcoming large numbers of visitors through the summer.


She’s also involved in the new Dungeness Refuge management plan.


Once it’s approved this winter, the plan will guide management of the refuge for the next 15 years.


The most controversial items in the plan would ban horseback riding and jogging on the site, which includes the famous Dungeness Spit and the adjacent shoreline. For more on the plan, see www.fws.gov/pacific/planning.