Pig butchering class with Farmstead Meatsmith is Nov. 8-9

The WSU Clallam Extension and Agnew Feed and Grocery co-sponsor pig harvesting and butchering classes Nov. 8-9 at 2863 Old Olympic Highway. Tickets are $35 per day.

Brandon Sheard from Farmstead Meatsmith (farmsteadmeatsmith.com) will be harvesting one pig for some family farmers and their son who’s raised the pig for his 4-H project. The family has generously offered to open this event up as a learning opportunity with Sheard for anyone in the community who is interested in traditional methods of butchering and processing.

Slaughter, Nov. 8, 10 a.m.: On slaughter day, you’ll learn killing, sticking, hanging, scalding, scraping and eviscerating methods on one large pig. He will demonstrate proper harvesting of innards and pass on traditional preparations for all of them.

Butchery, Nov. 9, 10 a.m.: On butchery day, Sheard will carve the pig to meet the farmer’s order. He’ll demonstrate traditional seam-butchery; knives and cleavers only. You’ll see that waste is completely eliminated through traditional methods.

You can attend both days or either one. Both classes are demonstrational and afford you the opportunity to see traditional pig harvesting on farms. There will be bleacher-style viewing on hay-bale seating. Plan to grab lunch at the Agnew Feed and Grocery or bring your bag lunches.

On Saturday, Sheard also will focus on principles of traditional nitrite-free whole-muscle curing starting bacon, guanciale and whatever else the farmer desires. Extension officials will talk about basic cooking methods.

Tickets are at Agnew Grocery, or online at farmsteadmeatsmith.com under “Upcoming Classes.”

Call Clea Rome with questions: 417-2280