Ready to rummage

Prepped since February, the Sequim Senior Activity Center's volunteers have packed three storage units and their building for the center's fourth benefit sale.

Sequim Senior Activity Center’s benefit sale will be 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6, and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7 at 921 E. Hammond St., Sequim.

A report ("Ready to Rummage," C-1, July 29, 2009) misnamed the days of the week.

Prepped since February, the Sequim Senior Activity Center’s volunteers have packed three storage units and their building for the center’s fourth benefit sale.

Proceeds go toward operating expenses with 10 percent benefiting a

Sequim High School senior boy and girl.

This year, seniors Angela Richards and Alex Skinner each received $600.

"This is part of our mission statement in ‘encouraging involvement in, with and for our community,’" said Michael Smith, Sequim Senior Activity Center executive director.

The benefit sale originates from an auction five years ago after which many items were left over.

The first two sales each raised $8,000; in 2008 it earned $12,000.

Smith said their goal is $20,000 this year.

"Our goal is big because we feel we’ve got this down," he said. "We’re sorting and storing everything earlier and earlier."

More than 30 volunteers organized the benefit sale.

"It’s a good group," said volunteer Cathy Doyle. "It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it."

"What gets older people to volunteer is that they worked all their lives," Bob Young said.

"They are used to it and it can be fun."

Five rooms at the senior center will be filled with fine boutique items, clothes, electronics, furniture and miscellaneous items.

"I’m impressed with the quality of donations this year," Doyle said.

More items such as tools, sporting goods and thousands of books will be under tents outside along with a bake sale and a plant sale.

Those interested in donating can call the center at 683-6806. All donations are tax deductible.

Reach Matthew Nash at