Register to vote at courthouse

If you aren’t a registered voter in Washington but want to vote in the special election period ending Feb. 9, you need to register soon.

If you aren’t a registered voter in Washington but want to vote in the special election period ending Feb. 9, you need to register soon.

If you’re currently not a registered voter in Washington, you have until Feb. 1 to register in person at the Clallam County elections office. The office is in Suite 1 at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

Nearly 917,000 voters (23 percent of the state’s registered voters) receive a ballot for this election. There are 178 ballot measures throughout the state for the February election, including Sequim’s school construction bond. More than 160 issues are for school levies, while others cover fire, park, hospital and port district measures.

Ballots for military and overseas voters went out Jan. 10, with the remaining ballots being sent to voters by Jan. 22.

Jan. 11 was the last day to register online or by mail, or to update existing registrations if voters changed addresses or names.

Call 417-2222 for more information.