Spiritual spotlight

Olympic View Church of God

Olympic View Church of God’s vision is to unite the church for worship and fellowship; teach the church to honor Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord and life; disciple the church for ministry; and equip the church to evangelize.

Pastor Dennis Ackley said the church is autonomous of other Church of God Anderson, Ind., congregations and is nondenominational, but does partner on large missions and spiritual projects.

The church was founded in the mid-1970s and its current building was built in the late-1970s.

Members have added two additions for classrooms and office space.

Ackley became pastor January 2001.

Church offerings

The church’s Sunday service is held at 11 a.m. with Sunday school starting at 10 a.m.

On the first Sunday of each month, a potluck is held after the service.

Attendance averages 100 people each Sunday.

Ackley said worship service music is a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary music.

Currently, no youth programs are established but members are interested in restarting a new youth leadership program.

Various classes and studies are offered for spiritual needs during the year.

Other classes are as follows:

• 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Women’s Bible study

• 6 p.m. Wednesdays at church, open prayer meeting

• 7:30 a.m. Thursdays, Men’s Bible study and breakfast

Ackley said the church bases its roots in the message of "Acts 2:42."

"Specifically anything we can do is in the Apostle’s doctrine where we study the word, fellowship, break bread and pray," he said.

Each month the church supports CareNet and Sequim Food Bank financially and with volunteers.

Church members continue "iPray," which shares baked goods, coffee and their faith in God without emphasizing which church they attend.

The church donates to two local mission worker groups, Church of God International missions and disaster relief.

Ackley said they go on some mission trips when spiritually led to do so.

"What we’ve tried to focus on for a benchmark is when Jesus said that the church should be known for its love of each other," Ackley said.

"When someone comes they should be noticeably impacted by how much we greet them and how much we show them and each other love. Our hearts’ desire is to be known by our love."

Olympic View Church of God

Physical: 503 N. Brown Road, Sequim

Mailing: P.O. Box 488, Sequim, WA 98382

Phone: 683-7897

E-mail: pastord@olypen.com

Minister: Pastor Dennis Ackley

For a Spiritual Spotlight on your church, spiritual group, special person and/or event contact Matthew Nash at mnash@sequimgazette.com.