Webb wins SEF Film Fest poster contest


First time was a charm.


Emily Webb, a sophomore at Sequim High School, won the Sequim Education Foundation’s 2014 Film Festival poster contest, announced by SEF festival chairman Elna Kawal last week.


Kawal said 71 entries were pared to 16 semifinalists. Those entries were displayed on the SEF website where a vote of the public picked Webb’s design.


“The voting was very tight. With so many good entries, people complained about having to make such a hard choice,” Kawal said.


Webb won a $100 cash prize.


“I have been drawing as long as I can remember — I can’t even remember when I didn’t draw,” Webb said. Familiar with pencil portraits, Webb has added computer drawing this school year.


Webb’s poster promotes the ninth annual 2014 SEF Student Film Festival, which starts at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 18, at the Sequim High School auditorium. The event is open to the public. A $5 donation is requested to help with the cost of scholarships.


The competition is open to all Sequim School District students. Kawal said the event promises to be a “fun and exciting event.” Film Festival winners are awarded up to $6,750 in scholarship funds, plus cash and merchandise prizes.


In addition to individually creative films, this year school clubs and organizations have the opportunity to make promotional videos about how their club embodies school spirit. The winning organization video receives a $500 cash award for their club.


The “peoples’ choice” Elkie Award goes to the winning video chosen by the audience.


Find more about the foundation and the film festival at www.sequimed.org or on Facebook.