Community scoreboard

Basketball, bowling and golf results from the Sequim area


Port Angeles women’s league

• March 25

Windermere Realty 68, Sequim High 41. Leading scorers — Windermere: Krista Johnson 22, Maddy Heinrichs 22; Sequim: Elise Beuke 15, Victoria Cummins 14

7 Cedars Casino 96, Elwha River Casino 62. Leading scorers — 7 Cedars: Danika Johnson 26, Ali Crumb 25; Elwha: Marsha Shamp 22, Nizhoni Wheeler 14

• March 27

7 Cedars Casino 91, Sequim High School 31. Leading scorers — 7 Cedars: Danika Johnson 31, Ashley Payne 22; Sequim: Ella Christenson 10, Jordan Miller 7; Dynasty 35, Elwha River Casino 31. Leading scorers — Dynasty: Melanie Guan 13, Justine Wagner 8; Elwha: Brittany Girr 10, Sarah Moore 5

• Standings (as of March 28)

Dynasty 2-0

7 Cedars Casino 2-0

Windermere Lady Riders 1-1

Team Monstars 0-0

Elwha River Casino         0-2

Sequim Lady Wolves       0-2.



Sequim Olympic Lanes

• Wall Street Journal league, March 11

Men’s high game: George Kennedy, 197; Men’s high series: Kennedy, 457; Women’s high game: Holly Robirts, 170; Women’s high series: Robirts, 453; League Leader: Inge Magrs (by 5 points)

• Sunlanders I league, March 11

Men’s high game: Marty O’Brien, 195; Men’s high series: Jim Jones, 477; Women’s high game: Barb Evans, 191; Women’s high series: Kathleen DeJong, 468; League Leader: Alley Cats (by 3 points)

• First Federal Snipers league, March 12

Men’s high game: Jim Getchman, 243; Men’s high series: Getchman, 532; Women’s high game: Linda Chansky, 210; Women’s high series: Chansky, 528; League Leaders (tie): Muzzle Loaders and Remingtons

• Thursday Nine-Pin No-Tap league, March 13

Men’s high game: Gunter Kessler, 228; Women’s high series: Joan Wright, 560

• Wall Street Journal league, March 18

Men’s high game: Bill Sheets, 170; Men’s high series: Sheets, 454; Women’s high game: Holly Robirts, 170; Women’s high series: Robirts, 473; League Leader: Inge Magrs (by 6 points)

• Sunlanders I league, March 18

Men’s high game: Jim Coulter, 184; Men’s high series: Coulter, 514; Women’s high game: Gail Savage, 163; Women’s high series: Kathy Wheeler, 433; League Leader: Alley Cats (by 6 points)

• First Federal Snipers league, March 19

Men’s high game: Jim Getchman, 223; Men’s high series: Jay Cameron, 623; Women’s high game: Chris Getchman, 166; Women’s high series: C. Getchman, 414; League Leader: Flintlocks (by 1 point)

• Thursday Nine-Pin No-Tap league, March 20

Men’s high game: Pete Centeno, 244; Men’s high series: Al Higgins, 453.



The Cedars at Dungeness

• Men’s Club, Stableford, March 26

First flight — 1. Grant Ritter, 41; 2. Karl Dryfhout, 40; 3. (tie) Bruce Durning, Jac Osborn and John Raske, 39

Second flight — 1. Don Walker, 44; 2. Warren Cortez, 41; 3. (tie) Michael Burchard and Randy Gange, 40

Third flight — 1. J.C. Schumacher, 45; 2. (tie) Richard Koharian and David McArthur, 44

Fourth flight — 1. Richard Hansen, 42; 2. Jim Engel, 41; 3. George Switzer, 39

KPs: Walker 2, McArthur, Bill Riley, Joe Tomita.



SkyRidge Golf Course

• Member Event, Two Pin Day, March 22

Gross: 1. Mike Tipton, 77. Net: 1. (tie) John Gayman and Pete Nesse, 66; 3. Don Daniels, 68; 4. Dusty Henry, 69; 5. (tie) Ralph Elston, Chuck Parrish and Shane Price, 70; 8. (tie) Steve Lee, Jeff Pedersen, Mike Penna, Gene Potter, Kelly Shea, 71; 13. Mark Willis, 72.

• Gut Buster Tournament, March 22

Gross: 1. Mike Dupuis, 75; 2. Gary Thorne, 76. Net: 1. Shane Price, 73; 2. Allen Patton, 74; 3. (tie) Ryan O’Mera and Kelly Shea, 76.

• Member’s event, Throw Out Any 1 Par 5, March 30

Gross: 1. Robb Reese, 75. Net: 1. Jim Lounsberry, 60; 2. Dennis Ferrie, 61; 3. Brian Cays, 62; 4. Don Daniels, 63; 5. (tie) Terry Randall and Dan Reeves, 64; 7. Chuck Parrish, 66; 8. San D Sparks, 67; 9. (tie) Bud Bowling and John O’Rourke, 68.



Sunland Golf & Country Club

• Men’s Club, Front or Back Nine, March 26

Gross: 1. Dave Anderson, 33; 2. (tie) Milo Novotny and John Sims, 35.5

Net: 1. Ken Orth, 33.5; 2. Lee Cox, 34.5; 3. Rick Edel, 35.

• SWGA, Medal Play, March 27

Gross: 1. Bobby Piety, 100; 2. Cynthia Edle, 108. Net: 1. Alice Meyers, 89; 2. Eileen Larsen, 91.

• Lady Niners, Low Putts, March 27

1. Lynda Estes, 17; 2. Kathy Tiedeman, 18; 3. (tie) Gwyen Boger, Janice Orth and Dorothy Plenert, 19.