Community scoreboard — Oct. 12, 2022


Sunland Golf Club

• SWGA 18-Hole Ladies, Nassau-Scored Low Player v. Flight, Sept. 29

First flight — 1. Susan Elvert, 68; 2. (tie) Bobbie Piety and Irene Schmidt, 75

Second flight — 1. Linda Fortney, 72; 2. (tie) Dianne Bresnahan, Nan Godfrey and Toni Harms, 80

Third flight — 1. Eileen Larsen, 71; 2. Kathy Benedict, 75; 3. (tie) Kinda Collet and Teri King, 77.

• Couples Championship, Sept. 30

Overall champions: Bob Gunn, Sandra Gunn. Overall net champions: Judy Flanders, Michael Oliver

Net: 1. Bob Gunn-Sandra Gunn, 61; 2. Judy Flanders-Michael Oliver, 65; 3. Dan O’Claray-Geri O’Claray, 68; 4. (Tie) Jack Real-Janet Real and Irene Schmidt-Mike Schmidt, 71; 6. Cynthia Caprine-Mike Mullikin, 72

Gross: . Bob Gunn-Sandra Gunn, 76; 2. Cynthia Caprine-Mike Mullikin, 79; 3. Judy Flanders-Michael Oliver, 82; 4. Irene Schmidt-Mike Schmidt, 83; 5. Dan O’Claray-Geri O’Claray, 87; 6. Jack Real-Janet Real, 93.

• Men’s Club, Front or Back 9, Oct. 5

Net: 1. Tony Bubenas, 31; 2. David Walp, 33; 3. Gene Mattson, 35. Gross: 1. Brian Scheibner, 37; 2. (tie) Frank Martin and Mike Mullikin, 40.

• SWGA 18 Hole Ladies, Pandora’s Box, Oct. 6

1. Linda Beatty-Carol Deckman-Kathie Virgil, 96; 2. Dana Burback-Teri King-Sally Lynum, 98; 3. Jan Clendening-Linda Collet-Bobbie Piety, 99; 4. Nonie Dunphy-Judy Flanders-Eileen Larsen, 105; 5. Dianne Bresnahan-Nan Godfrey-Janet Real, 106; 6. Cecil Black-Sandra Gunn-Geraldine O’Claray, 107; 7. Janet Littlefield-Mary Kubas-Meyer-Irene Schmidt, 120.

The Cedars at Dungeness

• The Cedars At Dungeness Women’s Golf Association, Monthly Medal, Oct. 4

Gross: 1. Lisa Chon, 92. Net: 1. Bev Handschumaker, 74; 2. Lynnette Sheriff, 78

Birdies: Jan Clendening, Marine Hirschfeld

KPs: Clendening, Hirschfeld, Sheriff, Anne Elwell

Putts, first division: Chon, 34; Clendening and Hirschfeld, 37

Putts, second division: Handshumacher 33; Cathy Grant, 35.

• Men’s Club, 2022 Memorial Scramble, Oct. 5

Gross: 1. Ballantyne-Butcher-Clendening-Fosse, 62; 2. Bourns-Dryfhout-Gunn-Langdon, 63; 3. (tie) Buckland-Durning-Gange-Perricone and Harrison-Larkins-Lauerman-Veenema, 65. Net: 1. Burchard-Cortez-Jaqubino-Raske, 55; 2. (tie) Berry-Flores-Pflaumer-Richardson, Allen-Balla-Brahams-Nally, Brehm-Jenkins-Jennings-Nelson and Flack-Grant-Sparrowk-Thometz, 57

KPs: Keith Beck, Bill Blacketer, Karl Brehm, Karl Dryfhout, Ron Grant, Jim Jaqubino, John Nally, John Raske.


Peninsula Soccer League

• Oct. 2

Windermere 3, High Energy Metals. Goals — W: Evan Swenson 2, Josh Heckenlively

Forks FC 4, Salazar Painting 3. Goals — FFC: Hugo Sandoval 2, Hugo Sandoval Jr., Otoniel Flores Jr.; SP: Pablo Salazar 2, Paul Medina

Strait Slice 2, Los Primos 1. Goals — SS: Jay Marazon, Jimmy Quigley; LP: Benito Morales

Pura Vida 3, Pantry and Latch 1. Goals — PV: Alex Lopez 3, PL: Mike Ingram.