Turkey Trot set for Thanksgiving Day


Runners and walkers of all varieties are invited to run "over the river and through the woods" to benefit local food banks at the second Turkey Trot 5k/10k race, set for a 9 a.m. start on Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 22, beginning at the Morse Creek trailhead.

The event features medals for men and women overall first-, second- and third- place finishers in both distances. Age-group winners receive awards as well.

Cost is $10 per runner or $25 per family; checks can be made out to Sequim or Port Angeles food banks.

Food banks are particularly in need of canned food items with protein, such as tuna, chicken and yes, even some turkey.

Late registration, number pick-up and donation drop-off begin at 8:15 a.m. Race organizers encourage participants to be at the race starting line by 8:45 a.m.

Walkers are welcome, but the 5k course closes in one hour.

The course for both races starts at the Morse Creek Trestle, follows the Olympic Discover Trail west toward Port Angeles and turns back to the start line.

To register or for more information, see www.sequimgym.com.