Letters to the Editor — April 12, 2017

Writer cannot accept Trump

The letter “How do you defend Trump’s actions?” (Sequim Gazette, April 5, page A-10) is a rather lengthy diatribe that may be boiled down to just one sentence: I am a liberal Democrat and I refuse to accept the ineluctable fact that the 45th President of the United States is Donald J. Trump and not Hillary R. Clinton.

Ethan Harris


Why publish ‘vile’ letter?

I just read a letter to the editor April 5 edition from writer Cheryl Smith (Letters to the Editor, Sequim Gazette, page A-10). I am trying to understand why the Sequim Gazette would print such a letter filled with hate and vile toward the President of the United States.

Not that there aren’t plenty of people that I’m sure share her misguided reasons, but this letter has no place in a town newspaper.

If the residents of Sequim seem to share this hateful letter, then Sequim is no place I would choose to live.

Stuck behind the “Blue Wall” of California,

Bill Ring

Mission Viejo, Calif.