Faith news — July 3, 2019

Movie, supper set at Agnew church

“Human Zoos: America’s Forgotten History of Scientific Racism,” an award-winning Discovery Institute documentary, will be featured Wednesday, July 10, at Peninsula Evangelical Friends Church’s free monthly Movie and a Meal program, now at the Friends Agnew Hall, 1241 N. Barr Road.

This 2017 film explores the story of thousands of indigenous people being put on public display, harassed demeaned and often touted as “missing links” between man and apes, in early 20th century America, and how this history is affecting society today. A brief Living Waters commentary will follow the featured film.

A supper of homemade soups and salads with bread or rolls and home-baked cookies, will be served at 6 p.m. The movie will start as soon as people are served.

Find more information about Peninsula Evangelical Friends Church at www.pef, or call Diane Hanes at 360-417-0422.