Master Gardener plant sale slated for May 7

From Clallam County Master Gardeners

Thumbs turn green the opening day of the Irrigation Festival and the day before Mother’s Day.


Clallam County’s Master Gardeners host their annual spring plant sale from 9 a.m.-noon on Saturday, May 7, at the Woodcock Demonstration Garden, 2711 Woodcock Road, Sequim.


Plant purchases support Master Gardener public education and demonstration garden projects in Clallam County.


The sale offers hundreds of plants grown from seed or propagated by division, cuttings or layering by local Master Gardeners. Plants being grown include ornamental grasses, groundcovers for sun and shade, Northwest native plants, flowering shrubs, herbs, vegetable starts, a large selection of annual and perennial plants, and hanging baskets individually composed and planted by Master Gardeners.


An information booth is staffed during the sale, so that questions about how, where, and when to plant are answered. There also will be a raffle for a wheelbarrow filled with gardening items and a large collection of gently used garden books and “white elephant” items for sale.


In addition to the Woodcock Demonstration Garden, Clallam County Master Gardeners grow fruits and vegetables at Robin Hill Farm to help supply local soup kitchens and are developing the Olympic Peninsula Demonstration Garden at the water re-use site near Carrie Blake Park. They conduct weekly plant clinics in Sequim and Port Angeles from March-October and provide free training classes throughout the year on sustainable gardening practices.


For more information about the sale, call Lori Ken-nedy at 417-2279 or e-mail