Four Sequim FFA members attended the Puyallup Fair Sept. 19-22 competing in showmanship for their animal type, livestock judging, a special competitive hog show, round robin showmanship and a leadership competitive application and interview.
In showmanship, Amy Tucker won champion showman for the senior FFA Hog division. She earned a plaque and a chance to do the round robin. In that she beat all other champion FFA showmen and earned a buckle.
In livestock judging, Jamie Schroepfer took fourth place high individual and Josh Cibene placed 12th, competing against 150 other judges. The team placed fifth overall, with more than 45 teams competing.
Competing in the Special Hog Show — putting one’s hog up against all of FFA and 4-H hogs in the competition — Cibene’s hog took Reserve Champion for which he earned a buckle (above) and a hog feeder. Kylee Williams was selected as overall beef exhibitor.