Sports Briefs February 11, 2015

Basketball tournament set and Seahawkers to meet in P.A.

Youth basketball  tournament set

The Port Angeles Recreation Department is hosting the Red Lion Hotel’s Presidents Day Classic basketball tourney Feb. 14-15, with divisions for boys and girls basketball teams in grades 5-9. Cost is $250 per team with a four-game guarantee.

For more information or to register, call 417-4557 or e-mail to

Seahawkers to meet

The local Seattle Seahawks official booster club is the Olympic Peninsula Sea Hawkers, with members from Port Angeles, Sequim, Neah Bay, Clallam Bay and Forks. Monthly meetings alternate between Port Angeles and Sequim and meetings are family friendly.

Their next meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 12, at Joshua’s Restaurant in Port Angeles. Come find out about this year’s upcoming events.

Members get a chance to win an autographed football, a 15-percent discount at the Seattle Teams Store across from the stadium and they also participate in Seahawks events throughout the year.

For more information call 360-457-1392.